Jags Give Back

     One of my favorite things about South is the people on campus and in the Mobile community that I have met by coming here. A lot of people here are very kind and always willing to help. It's definitely a positive environment to be in both on and off campus!
     Many organizations I am involved with on campus really promote this attitude through service. In high school, I was in many clubs that required service hours, but this year at South, I have definitely discovered that service is a passion of mine and more than getting those hours done. 
     The Pre-Health society, Alpha Epsilon Delta, that I am involved with has been particularly influential in me finding a love for volunteering. There are so many ways to give back, and there is something that each person will like out there! So far, I have really enjoyed some events with this organization, such as feeding the homeless at Salvation Army, working at the Heart Walk and Breast Cancer Awareness Walk, painting a Blue Roof Library for children, helping create study materials at the Boys and Girls Club, and many more!
      South even offers its own online portal to help students find volunteer opportunities. It's called South Serves, and it notifies you whenever there is a new service opportunity you might enjoy. South Serves also helps track all of your volunteer hours for things like resumes and applications. I think it is really great that USA offers an easy way for all students to get involved and help out the people of the Mobile community with South Serves and many student organizations. Even if you feel like service isn't your thing, I'm sure you will find really rewarding service opportunities, like I did, while here at USA!
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