What College Has Taught Me Beyond the Classroom

As a senior in high school, a lot of people told me that college is a "growing" experience and that I would change while away at school. I never really understood how I would grow or change so much until I got to South and started my college experience. Starting in fall 2018, I have only been here at USA for a little over a semester. However, it really seems longer than that considering how much I have learned, both inside and outside the classroom.
      In my first year, one of the major aspects of college I have learned a lot about is independence. Being on my own (for the most part) has taught me what I need to work on and what I'm good at when it comes to making time for everything. Time management is something I thought was pretty straightforward and simple. However, I've learned it is actually a skill that you have to practice to be good at (and I'm still working on it :) ).
     College has also taught me that it's okay to not have everything figured out and that I can (and should) branch out of my comfort zone. Looking at different majors, joining various organizations, and making new friends has helped me learn a lot about what I'm interested in and how I can improve myself. It's great to hear people share their stories and ideas and to be able to learn from them. College is a great place for that! No matter what I'm doing at South, I always feel like I am learning, even when I'm not in class.


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