Get Ready to Be a Jaguar!
College is a BIG step in life, one that can often times be a little stressful or frightening. Here are my top 5 ways for making sure your transition into college goes as smoothly as possible:
1. Apply for scholarships and programs early! Scholarships can help A LOT with the financial side of coming to a university. Make sure you apply to South by December 1, so you meet the priority deadline. Once admitted, you can start applying for other scholarships on JagSpot.
2. Get familiar with student organizations! Go to South's webpage to see a list of our numerous clubs and organizations on campus. We have something for everyone! Getting involved will definitely make campus life a lot more fun and meaningful!
3. Get connected with other students coming to USA! Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on events and important deadlines. You can join the USA Class of 2023 Facebook group to start making friends with other students at South before you even get here!
4. Visit us on campus & sign up for orientation! Coming to USA will give you a feel for our welcoming and friendly campus atmosphere as well as allow you to identify some great parts of our campus. Once you have been admitted, sign up for orientation! Here, you will get to meet other students and find your way around campus as well as have lots of fun!
5. Make the most of your senior year! Starting a new chapter means ending another. Make the most of your last year of high school with your friends and family. Have fun your senior year, but also get excited to become a jag!
1. Apply for scholarships and programs early! Scholarships can help A LOT with the financial side of coming to a university. Make sure you apply to South by December 1, so you meet the priority deadline. Once admitted, you can start applying for other scholarships on JagSpot.
2. Get familiar with student organizations! Go to South's webpage to see a list of our numerous clubs and organizations on campus. We have something for everyone! Getting involved will definitely make campus life a lot more fun and meaningful!
3. Get connected with other students coming to USA! Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on events and important deadlines. You can join the USA Class of 2023 Facebook group to start making friends with other students at South before you even get here!
4. Visit us on campus & sign up for orientation! Coming to USA will give you a feel for our welcoming and friendly campus atmosphere as well as allow you to identify some great parts of our campus. Once you have been admitted, sign up for orientation! Here, you will get to meet other students and find your way around campus as well as have lots of fun!
5. Make the most of your senior year! Starting a new chapter means ending another. Make the most of your last year of high school with your friends and family. Have fun your senior year, but also get excited to become a jag!

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